architecture-beta group kubernetes(logos:kubernetes) group ns(k8s:ns)[Blog Namespace] in kubernetes group blog_service(k8s:svc)[Blog Service] in ns service blog_deployment(k8s:deployment)[Blog Deployment] in blog_service service blog_ingressroute(k8s:crd)[Traefik Production IngressRoute] in ns blog_ingressroute:L --> R:blog_deployment{group} group blog_service_preview(k8s:svc)[Blog Service Preview] in ns service blog_deployment_preview(k8s:deployment)[Blog Deployment Preview] in blog_service_preview service blog_ingressroute_preview(k8s:crd)[Traefik Production IngressRoute] in ns blog_ingressroute_preview:L --> R:blog_deployment_preview{group} service traefik(devicon:traefikproxy)[Traefik] in kubernetes service internet(internet)[Internet] junction tt in ns tt:T --> B:blog_ingressroute_preview tt:B --> T:blog_ingressroute tt:R <-- L:traefik internet:L --> R:traefik group blog_gha(k8s:crb)[Blog Github Actions ClusterRole] in ns service blog_gha_sa(k8s:sa)[Blog Github Actions Service Account] in blog_gha junction ss in ns ss:B -- T:blog_deployment{group} ss:T -- B:blog_deployment_preview{group} ss:L -- R:blog_gha_sa{group} service github_actions(logos:github-actions)[Github Actions] github_actions:R -- L:blog_gha_sa{group}
Building and Using a Custom Iconify Image Set For Mermaid
mermaid, kubernetes, architecture diagram, svg, iconify, icons, icon set, iconify icon set, github, api, python, typer
Recently I wanted to use mermaid.js to make an architecture diagram to describe my infrastructure I am currently using to deploy my blog.
In particular, I wanted to use the SVG
icons defined in the kubernetes
community github
repo inside of my architecture diagram. However, I could not find a suitable icon set. To this end I made my own and would like to showcase the methods that I used.
After figuring out how to wrestle the SVG
icons into a properly formatted JSON
I was able to generate awesome diagrams using kubernetes
icons such as the one below in Figure 1 and icons like that seen in the header of this section (the mermaid.js
"prefix": "myprefix",
"icons": {
"myicon": {
"body": "<g></g>",
"height": 17,
"width": 17
icon set JSON
The goal is to take the SVG
content and turn it into a string inside of some JSON
like that in Figure 2. Every value inside of $.icons
should at least have a body
field containing SVG
data. The exact JSON
schema may be found on
As you will see bellow, the only thing this has to with iconify
is the JSON
schema used by mermaid
. It would appear that mermaid
does not use iconify
under the hood and therefore icon sets that work in mermaid
may not work with iconify
There were a number of things that I found unintuitive while writing the script and getting the icon set to work.
Should Not be Wrapped in SVG
It turns out that having the SVG
tag inside of the body
results in the icons not loading. My solution was to use python
s built in xml
library to parse out the content that was only the same. In the case of the kubernetes
icons I had to find an element layer1
to extract from the xml
In python
, this is done like
from xml.dom import minidom
= minidom.parse(str(path))
loaded = loaded.getElementsByTagName("g")
elements = next((ee for ee in elements if ee.getAttribute("id") == "layer1"), None) element
A big part of debugging was parsing the xml
files to query the right piece of code.
Icons will not Be Accepted by Iconify
Some icons contain SVG
incompatible with iconify
. However, such icons will often work with mermaid Since I only really want these icons for mermaid
I do not care, however, I found that certain icons (in my case k8s:limits
make iconify
) unable to use the whole image set.
You do not need to build your own CDN
or use the iconify
API unless you would like to distribute the icon set to others.
The Script
After all of these considerations, I cooked up a python
script to process all of the SVG
icons and turn them into a nice JSON
First, install the dependencies like:
pip install typer requests
and then choose from one of the two setups described below.
Build using API Key
My best solution was to copy all of the files using the pull
command instead of cloning the entire repo as in the alternative setup.
Copy the script in Figure 3 and paste it into
.Read the instructions in the section on the code snippet for removing the small internal dependencies and replace them as specified.
Get an appropriate
token. This token should be very minimal as it is included only to bypass API rate limiting bygithub
. Export the token likeexport GH_TOKEN="<my-gh-token-goes-here>"
.Pull the raw
s fromgithub
using the pull command and then use the 4 make command to build the icon set:python ./ pull python ./ make
Building from Cloned Repo
No longer recommended. See instead (the standalone setup)[#setup-standalone}
Clone the
community repo, For instancegit clone --depth 1
Copy the build script in Figure 3 into the repo under
,Read the instructions in the section on the code snippet for removing the small internal dependencies and replace them as specified.
Run the build command:
python ./icons/tools/ make
The Build Script
"""This script should generate ``icons.json`` (e.g. ``iconify``) from existing svgs
so that icons are available for use with tools [mermaid](
that load the svg from json.
import base64
import json
import os
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional
from xml.dom import minidom
import requests
import rich.console
import typer
from acederbergio import env, util
= pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
PATH_HERE = PATH_HERE / "icons.json"
PATH_SVG = "_"
= {
abbr "pvc": "persistent_volume-claim",
"svc": "service",
"vol": "volume",
"rb": "role-binding",
"rs": "replica-set",
"ing": "ingress",
"secret": "secret",
"pv": "persistent-volume",
"cronjob": "cron-job",
"sts": "stateful-set",
"pod": "pod",
"cm": "config-map",
"deploy": "deployment",
"sc": "storage-class",
"hpa": "horizontal-pod-autoscaler",
"crd": "custom-resource-definition",
"quota": "resource-quota",
"psp": "pod-security-policy",
"sa": "service-account",
"role": "role",
"c-role": "cluster-role",
"ns": "namespace",
"node": "node",
"job": "job",
"ds": "daemon-set",
"ep": "endpoint",
"crb": "cluster-role-binding",
"limits": "limit-range",
"control-plane": "control-plane",
"k-proxy": "kube-proxy",
"sched": "scheduler",
"api": "api-server",
"c-m": "controller-manager",
"c-c-m": "cloud-controller-manager",
"kubelet": "kubelet",
"group": "group",
"user": "user",
"netpol": "network-policy",
def walk(directory: pathlib.Path):
"""Iterate through ``directory`` content."""
= os.listdir(directory)
for path in map(lambda path: directory / path, contents):
if os.path.isdir(path):
yield from walk(directory / path)
yield directory / path
def load(path: pathlib.Path) -> str:
"""Load and process the ``svg`` file at ``path``."""
= minidom.parse(str(path))
loaded = loaded.getElementsByTagName("g")
elements = next((ee for ee in elements if ee.getAttribute("id") == "layer1"), None)
if element is None:
print(f"[red]Could not find ``layer1`` of ``{path}``.")
rich.raise typer.Exit(1)
return element.toxml("utf-8").decode()
def create_name(path: pathlib.Path):
"""Create name from ``path``."""
= os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(path, PATH_SVG))
head, _ = head.split("/")
# NOTE: Labeled icons are the default. When an icon is unlabeled, just
# attach ``unlabeled`` to the end.
if "labeled" in pieces:
pieces.remove(elif "unlabeled" in pieces:
= pieces.index("unlabeled")
loc -1] = pieces[-1], "u"
pieces[loc], pieces[
# NOTE: These prefixes are not necessary in icon names.
if "infrastructure_components" in pieces:
pieces.remove(elif "control_plane_components" in pieces:
pieces.remove(elif "resources" in pieces:
return DELIM.join(pieces).replace("-", DELIM)
def create_alias(name: str) -> str | None:
"""For a short name, create its long alias."""
= name.split("-")
split for pos, item in enumerate(split):
if item in abbr:
= abbr[item]
split[pos] elif item == "u":
= "unlabeled"
= DELIM.join(split).replace("-", DELIM)
alias if alias == name:
return None
return alias
def create_aliases(names: Iterable[str]):
"""Create aliases ``$.aliases``."""
= {
aliases "parent": name}
alias: {for name in names
if (alias := create_alias(name)) is not None
}return aliases
def create_iconify_icon(path: pathlib.Path) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Create ``$.icons`` values."""
# NOTE: Height and width must be 17 to prevent cropping.
return {"height": 17, "width": 17, "body": load(path)}
def create_icons():
"""Create ``$.icons``."""
return {create_name(item): create_iconify_icon(item) for item in walk(PATH_SVG)}
def create_iconify_json(include: set[str] = set()):
"""Create ``kubernetes.json``, the iconify icon set."""
= create_icons()
icons if include:
= {name: icon for name, icon in create_icons().items() if name in include}
= create_aliases(icons)
aliases return {"icons": icons, "prefix": "k8s", "aliases": aliases}
= typer.Typer(help="Tool for generating the kubernetes iconify icon set.")
def pull(gh_token: Optional[str] = None):
"""Download the svgs from github using the API."""
= ""
url_icons = env.require("gh_token", gh_token)
gh_token = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {gh_token}"}
def get(url: str):
= requests.get(url, headers=headers)
response if response.status_code != 200:
f"Bad status code `{response.status_code}` from `{response.request.url}`."
)if response.content:
raise typer.Exit(5)
return response.json()
def walk_clone(directory_relpath: str):
= PATH_HERE / directory_relpath
directory_path = url_icons + "/" + directory_relpath
if not os.path.exists(directory_path):
print(f"[green]Making directory `{directory_path}`.")
print(f"[green]Checking contents of `{directory_path}`.")
rich.= get(directory_url)
for item in data:
# NOTE: If it is a directory, recurse and inspect content.
= directory_relpath + "/" + item["name"]
item_relpath = directory_url + "/" + item["name"]
item_url if item["type"] == "dir":
# NOTE: If it is not a directory, then just put it into the file
# with its respective name.
# NOTE: Content is in base64 form. There is the option to use the
# download_url field, however it is probably faster to do
# this.
= directory_path / item["name"]
item_path print(f"[green]Inspecting `{item_relpath}`.")
rich.if not os.path.exists(item_path) and item_path.suffix == ".svg":
print(f"[green]Dumping content to `{item_path}`.")
= get(item_url)
item_data with open(item_path, "w") as file:
def main(include: list[str] = list(), out: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None):
"""Create kubernetes iconify json."""
= create_iconify_json(set(include))
if out is None:
util.print_yaml(iconify, as_jsonreturn
with open(out, "w") as file:
file, indent=2)
def aliases(include: list[str] = list()):
"""Generate aliases and print to console."""
= map(create_name, walk(PATH_SVG))
names: Any if include:
= set(include)
_include = filter(lambda item: item in _include, names)
= create_aliases(names)
aliases =True)
util.print_yaml(aliases, as_json
def names():
"""Generate names and print to console."""
list(map(create_name, walk(PATH_SVG))), as_json=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
icon set.
To learn about the dependencies in the acederbergio
package, see the github repository for this website. To replace the two internal dependencies, just replace env.require
with os.env["GH_TOKEN"]
and util.print_yaml
with print
and remove the acederbergio
import statements.
Source code is available here.
makes it easy to run the script with flags and subcommands.
subcommand will create theJSON
output. It can limit the number of icons process using--include
and set the output destination using--output
.For instance, in the cloned setup the icon set with only the
, andlimits
icon can be built like#| fig-cap: This assumes that the shell is currently in the root of the cloned community repo. python ./icons/tools/ \ --include svc \ make --include etcd \ --include limits \ --output iconify.json
and will be output to
will print all of the icon names.The
command will print$.aliases
and also has--include
It might seem overkill, but this was extremely convenient to pick out some bugs while building the iconset
output is available on this website.
Using the Icon Set in Mermaid
It is possible to use the icon set with iconify
in pure HTML
. However, for the reasons already state above, I will not be going into the details of this here. This is described within the iconify
documentation. For those interested using iconify
in quarto, see the iconify extension for quarto.
With Mermaid Inside of HTML
The code displayed below is available as webpage here.
To get the icons working with mermaid
, include mermaid
and use mermaid.registerIconPacks
. Then write out the declarative code for your diagram inside of some pre
tags with class=mermaid
<script src=""></script>
<!-- start snippet script -->
<script type="module">
import mermaid from '';
async function setupMermaid()
{await mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad: true});
mermaidname: 'k',
loader: () => fetch('/icons/kubernetes.json').then(response => response.json())
<!-- end snippet script -->
<h1>Using Mermaid</h1>
<pre class="mermaid">
group namespace(k:ns)[Kubernetes]
service blog_deployment(k:svc)[Service] in namespace</pre>
With Mermaid Inside Of Quarto
It is as simple as adding something like the script tags from above to quarto
output, e.g. make a file ./includes/mermaid.html
that calls mermaid.registerIconPacks
<script type="module">
async function setupMermaid() {
{name: 'misc',
loader: () => fetch('/icons/misc.json').then(response => response.json())
{name: 'k8s',
loader: () => fetch('/icons/sets/kubernetes.json').then(response => response.json())
}// NOTE: The CDN is not great. Build should expect these to be added into image, hopefully when cdn does not suck.
// wget -O ./blog/icons/json/devicon-plain.json
{name: 'logos',
loader: () => fetch("/icons/sets/logos.json").then(response => response.json())
{name: 'plain',
loader: () => fetch("/icons/sets/devicon-plain.json").then(response => response.json())
{name: 'devicon',
loader: () => fetch("/icons/sets/devicon.json").then(response => response.json())
{name: 'hugeicons',
loader: () => fetch("/icons/sets/hugeicons.json").then(response => response.json())
and include it in the html output by using format.html.include-in-header
- file: ./includes/mermaid.html
This is an example, and the following diagram should be rendered by mermaid
in the browser:
group linode(logos:linode)[Linode]
service blog_deployment(k8s:svc)[Blog Service and Deployment] in linode
The diagram rendered should look like
architecture-beta group linode(logos:linode)[Linode] service blog_deployment(k8s:svc)[Blog Service and Deployment] in linode