My Blog

About my blog, on which you are likely reading this.

In my time making this blog, I have learned quite a bit about quarto , an amazing markup and notebook format for websites, jupyter notebooks, books, articles, and more. Almost all blog pages and navigation in this blog is authored using quarto.

I have also had quite some fun figuring out how to to implement

Project Navigation is Available in the Sidebar

There are associated projects that support this project which can view in the sidebar. For instance

The Tools That Make it Possible

Thank you to all of the contributors to the tools I have used that made this possible at all! I cannot emphasize enought that without the tremendous efforts of the open source community (in particular) that this would not be possible at all. Click on any of the icons below to see a brief description of how each tool is utilitized here.

Quarto is an excellent code notebook built on top of pandoc. It can convert .qmd documents to latex, html, and more. It is the backbone of this project and most of the documents presented are rendered .qmd documents and some pandoc filters.

Without TeX, I would have to write my resume in Microsoft word. Since I do all of my work on a linux machine, I could have used libre word, however I generally like not to use such tools since they do not produce documents that play well with git .

Using a GUI text editor - This is one of the few fates I believe to be worse than death.

Pulumi is a great infrastructure as code tool available in most popular lanugages. I use it to provision the kubernetes cluster that this blog runs on and set up paripheral resources. I also use it to manage kubernetes resources, such as traefik and the error pages.

Github is where I host all of my code.

Git is a fantastic tool for version control. Without version control, software development would be very tedious. It allows me to make experimental changes and revert to my last point in my work and maintain multiple working versions of the same project.

My favorite tool for text editing.

Neovim is my prefered development environment as it integrates nicely into work through the terminal.

The primary language I use in my quarto notebooks. Python is by far my favorite high level programming languages. Many of the scripts used to develop, deploy, and test this site are written in python.

My server uses http-server to deliver these html pages. Additional, plenty of vanilla (browser) javascript is used to make this website interactive, for instance to show you this overlay without clunky refreshing.

Mermaid is an excellent tool for creating diagrams using javascript.

Linode is a minimal cloud platform on which the kubernetes cluster this blog runs in is hosted.

This website is served from kubernetes. Further, all routing, middleware, and SSL termination for the domain is done through kubernetes using traefik.

This is my favorite tool for loading an manipulating datasets in python .

The containerization technology used to gaurentee consistent builds in github actions and a uniform development environment.

Thank You to the Reviewers

Thank you to all of my reviewers for their hard work in reviewing and consulting: