How is the Blog Deployed?


The blog is deployed onto infrastructure provisioned in linode by another project listed here, see the automation project.

Deployment Workflow

The workflow is pretty straigtforward since collaboration is not required:

  1. The subsequent steps assume that a cluster has already been provisioned in linode.
  2. Developer (myself) makes local changes. Changes are pushed to the github repository . Usually small changes are pushed to the main branch unless they are pretty extensive - for instance, it is not necessary to make a pull request for solving the daily leetcode problem.
  3. A developer (exclusively me) manually runs a github action that
    • In the first job of the workflow, builds the container and pushes it to dockerhub .
    • In the second job rolls out the deployment to kubernetes to either a preview site or the production site.
  4. Users see the changes in either the production site or in the preview site.


  group linode(logos:linode)[Linode]
  %% group firewall(hugeicons:firewall)[Firewall] in linode %% can be added, but make proportions terrible
  group kube(logos:kubernetes)[Kubernetes Cluster] in linode
  group kube_service(k8s:service)[Blog Services] in kube
  service kube_deployment(k8s:deployment)[Blog Deployments] in kube_service

  service kube_traefik(devicon:traefikproxy)[Traefik Ingress] in kube
  service internet(internet)[Internet]

  internet:T --> B:kube_traefik
  kube_traefik:R --> L:kube_deployment{group}

  group github(logos:github-icon)[Github]
  group github_blog_repo(devicon:git)[Blog Repo] in github
  group github_blog_repo_repo_actions(logos:github-actions)[Github Actions] in github_blog_repo

  service actions_build(plain:yaml)[Build and Publish Container Image] in github_blog_repo_repo_actions
  service actions_deploy(plain:yaml)[Rollout Deployment in Kubernetes] in github_blog_repo_repo_actions

  service developer(hugeicons:developer)[Developer]

  developer:R --> L:actions_build
  actions_build:R --> L:actions_deploy

  service dockerhub(logos:docker)[DockerHub]
  junction dockerhubPushPull

  actions_deploy{group}:B -- T:dockerhubPushPull
  kube_deployment:R -- L:dockerhubPushPull
  dockerhubPushPull:B -- T:dockerhub

By the way, this diagram was made possible using mermaid architecture diagrams .

Also, these diagrams can be written directly in quarto documents, yet another reason why quarto is great.


I would like to go through some of the resources used in kubernetes to facilitate the above workflows. For github actions to rollout the new deployment, a few things are required. Some are pretty obvious, such as Services and Deployments to manage and route trafik to the pods for the preview and production sites.

Github Actions ServiceAccount

ServiceAccounts are used to delegate access to kubernetes resources, and the ServiceAccount is used to generate the token for the deploy job to access the kubernetes API with limited scope.

In the above the ServiceAccount gets permissions from the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.

Traefik Ingress Configuration

Here I will not go into the details of getting traefik to play nice with SSL termination as the details can get quite hairy - it can be quite a chore to get everything working at first, however in my case everything is now automated using python.

traefik has a number of nice CustomResourceDefinitions that can be used to configure treafik. In my case, Middleware and IngressRoute are used to direct internet traffic to the services:

Deployments and Services

The Deployment and Service resources here are described in my blog post static sites in kubernetes. What you are seeing here is just the result of quarto render.


The following diagram attempts to express the architecture of resources within kubernetes as described above.

  group kubernetes(logos:kubernetes)
  group ns(k8s:ns)[Blog Namespace] in kubernetes

  group blog_service(k8s:svc)[Blog Service] in ns
  service blog_deployment(k8s:deployment)[Blog Deployment] in blog_service
  service blog_ingressroute(k8s:crd)[Traefik Production IngressRoute] in ns
  blog_ingressroute:L --> R:blog_deployment{group}

  group blog_service_preview(k8s:svc)[Blog Service Preview] in ns
  service blog_deployment_preview(k8s:deployment)[Blog Deployment Preview] in blog_service_preview
  service blog_ingressroute_preview(k8s:crd)[Traefik Production IngressRoute] in ns
  blog_ingressroute_preview:L --> R:blog_deployment_preview{group}

  service traefik(devicon:traefikproxy)[Traefik] in kubernetes
  service internet(internet)[Internet]

  junction tt in ns
  tt:T --> B:blog_ingressroute_preview
  tt:B --> T:blog_ingressroute
  tt:R <-- L:traefik
  internet:L --> R:traefik

  group blog_gha_sa(k8s:sa)[Blog Github Actions Service Account] in ns
  service blog_gha(k8s:cr)[Blog Github Actions ClusterRole] in blog_gha_sa

  junction ss in ns
  ss:B -- T:blog_deployment{group}
  ss:T -- B:blog_deployment_preview{group}
  ss:L -- R:blog_gha{group}

  service github_actions(logos:github-actions)[Github Actions]
  github_actions:R -- L:blog_gha{group}

Directed edges represent traffic and undirected edges represent resources modified by github actions.